The Eagle and the Condor Prophecy 

“When the Eagle of North America and the Condor of South America unite, the spirit of peace will awaken.”

— Indigenous prophecy  

Life on Earth hangs in a precarious balance.

Our ancestors foresaw these times and encoded petroglyphs, stories, sacred sites, and more with warnings and information needed for survivance. Many Indigenous people today continue to carry the knowledge to decipher the encoded messages, or the ‘Great Memory.’ Western Science has often either eschewed this knowledge as ‘primitive,’ or it has taken it and claimed it as its own without ever crediting the Indigenous knowledge keepers who shared this wisdom. ISPS is dedicated to addressing this divide and bringing these two ways of knowing together in actionable ways that support sustainable futures. Building on a history of more than 30 years of bridging Western and Indigenous Science, the Indigenous Science and Peace Studies program has been designed to train students in this way between the worlds.

Why Costa Rica?

Humanity is at a crossroads. Indigenous Science tells us that knowledge sits in places.

The University for Peace, which houses ISPS, sits on the land where the Eagle and Condor meet. This is the place to amplify and empower peace.